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Friday, August 22, 2008

Why I Like best gps

GPS Watches to Help You With the Task of Finding Your Way Around

By Muna wa Wanjiru

Getting lost is very easy however trying to find your way back to your original staring position or somewhere else can be a problem. One way to solve this dilemma is to use maps. These however can be somewhat bulky and out of date. The other way that you can find where you are is with gps receiver units. These gps units are also available in many different forms including that of GPS watches.

The many different types of gps watches in the market will help you with the task of finding your way around. You will find that these different watches can be bought for various prices. Some of the features will be of great help when you are going on holiday or business.

To help the watch user find their way through unfamiliar territory the gps watches uses the signals from twenty seven satellites. There are also lots of powerful computers that are accessed to find the location of the watch owner. These many appliances are all utilized to calculate the position to the nearest degree. The latitude and longitude is also found and stated on the monitor of the watch.

The use of gps watches goes beyond that of merely finding your location. With the watch you can also get your current speed, the distance to your next location, the direction that you will need to travel in and also the location that you are currently in. Now these are the just a few items that a gps watch will be able to provide you with.

By using gps watches you have new ways of finding locations that are of interest to you. These watches will keep track of your travel itinerary. From this storage point you can find your way back to the hotel and also to places that are interesting to you. You will have a way of keeping the coordinates for these places noted down. You can also use the gps watches to plan your travel plans ahead of time.

As a result of the help obtained from twenty seven different gps satellites and the powerful computers the various gps watches that are available in the market have no need of landmarks. The various positions that you find yourself in will be given even if there is no visible landmarks to help you pinpoint your location.

Some of the gps watches will have other features like a compass and a barometer to provide you with even more help. By using these many different gps watches you can always be sure of knowing where you are. Now getting lost with gps watches is a problem and you will no longer have that as a valid excuse for being late.

About The Author

Muna wa Wanjiru is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on GPS for Years. For More Information on GPS Watches, Visit His Site at GPS Watches

Write Here, Write Now: And you thought you were overloaded with information now, just wait. Hewlett Packard is working on a technology to let folks print messages in mid-air based on their location incorporating GPS technology. I find this stuff fascinating, even if no one seems to have thought of a good use for it yet. The first sentence of the article is right, though: "The kids are going to love this." in New Scientist via RCPL's Liblog]

When the ALA summer conference was in San Francisco in 1997, the SF Museum of Modern Art had a fascinating exhibit called Icons: Magnets of Meaning. I spent hours browsing through it, but one of the pieces that has always stuck in my mind was called @: Marking the Electrosphere . It talked about the meaning of that one little symbol. How it can define, place, and root you in the world, but at the same time let you be found anywhere. Integrated, widespread use of GPS is going to take this to a whole new level.

Lots of interesting articles from today's PC World. First up, Microsoft Takes on MapQuest: "MSN launches MapPoint online mapping service, offering maps, directions, and more."

Apparently this is going to be yet another component of MS' push for .Net services with hooks into other MSN services. MapPoint is XML-based, which makes it interesting in other ways, and there it launches with a phone-based direction service. The articles notes that this is another step towards location-based services. "For example, you might someday be able to click on a Windows Messenger buddy's name and retrieve a map showing the location of his or her home."

Good or bad? You make the call. I like parts of this, but I'm incredibly wary of .Net.

Global Positioning Systems offer everything from hole overviews to Internet access "Shortgrass Technologies' Internet-based sports information system and financial ticker enables golfers to check college football scores on a Saturday afternoon or the price of stocks any weekday. Global positioning systems can track golf cars no matter where they are on the course, thus discovering bottlenecks and slower play. Golfers can order beverages and food en route to the turn, so golf clubs can offer more than a quick hot dog - a higher priced chicken sandwich, for instance...."

I always thought that GPS would go mainstream in automobiles first, and in a way I suppose it has, but maybe golfers will lead the real charge. I could have used a portable, library-centered GPS system myself to navigate the Chicago Public Library's Harold Washington Library when I was there last fall!

golf gps



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